Friday, 7 June 2013

The countdown is on......

In exactly one week we will be on holiday!  Now normally by this point pre holiday I would in the mist of preparations, most of which would be list making. Lists of things to buy, lists of things to pack, lists of jobs to do before we went, lists of lists!! This year however I have a much more ‘laissez faire’ attitude to the whole thing, so much so that I don’t have a single list.

I’m not complete why I have had this change of attitude. It will be my first holiday without the ex, but we are going ‘on mass’ with the rest of my family, so we will be far from alone. We also aren’t going far which helps. Or it could be that last time we went away CJ was 6 days old so I think if I can do that I can do anything

The holiday has crept up on me a bit and I still have a busy week ahead. Birthday celebrations for my god son, welcoming my brother, sister-in-law and niece home form Papua New Guinea plus having them stay for two nights, a parents meeting at IK’s new school, the hairdressers, a manicure and all the normal nursery, play groups, swimming lesson things all need to be fitted in before I even think about the holiday.

However as the girls and I are often on our travels, I’m quite used to packing us up for trips of various lengths, so I’m not really phased by the prospect of what needs doing. The master plan is just to shove a load of clothes, that could cover every weather eventuality (well we are holidaying in the UK) in a suitcase and hope for the best. Apart from that we will be travelling light this time, well except the bare essentials needed when travelling with two little ladies – pushchair, booster seat, CDs for the car, dolls, teddy bears, books, puzzles, wellies, sandals, raincoats, body warmers, sun tan lotion, first aid kit, calpol, nappies, picnic blanket, cool bag, drink cups……..hmmm maybe there is more stuff than I thought!

I also need to sort out the photos on the camera because I think the memory card is full, it is CJs birthday whilst we are away so I need to wrap her presents, as we are going self catering there is food that needs to be bought and I like to leave the house clean and tidy so that needs to be fitted in. And, despite the fact that I booked it, I’m not 100% sure where it is we are going, so as I will be driving there I really need to get some directions!

OK so there is quite a lot to be done, maybe I should start a list…..

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