Sunday, 2 June 2013

I did it!!

Today was an important day for me. Today I ran the Cancer Research UK Race for Life. Now yes I know it’s no London Marathon and yes for a lot of people it would be the proverbial walk in the park, but this has been a big thing for me, because up until 6 weeks ago I couldn’t run 5 minutes let alone 5K.

To say I hated exercise would have been an understatement and I have said for a long time that I would like to and need to, get fitter, but I’ve never done anything about it. I know myself well, without a goal I’ve got to achieve I would not (and did not) work very hard. Cancer Research is a great cause and our family, like so many others, has been touched by cancer over the years so I thought no more excuses and I signed up, roping my sister in with me for some moral support.

My Dad has helped me to train and we have been out for a run together three or four times a week for the last six weeks. The first one was dreadful, I think it took me about 40 minutes to run about 3k and most of that was walking. But I stuck with it, and without my Dad with me I know I wouldn’t have done so well. He encouraged me in the way him and mum always have, by allowed me to find my own pace, challenging me to go that bit further than I thought I could and making me feel better when things were tough.

So my lovely sister and I set off round Burghley at 11 am today with 2,998 other woman all wearing pink! My pace was steady to say the least, but she stayed with me, told me I was doing great when I struggled and sprinted with me to the end. It took me 35 minuets to do the 5K course, certainly not as quick as I would have liked, but as I crossed the finish line, being cheered on by my two little ladies, my mum and the hundreds of other people all there to support their family and friends, I felt only happiness that I’d finished (and a bit like a might throw up and or pass out!!)

It has been a great experience for me, we raised a lot of money, I feel less tired and better in myself and the tracksuit bottoms I bought when I started are now too big! But by far and away the best thing has been setting myself a goal and achieving it; now that is an amazing feeling.


  1. Well done!! Excellent achievement! I haven't started training for my Race For Life yet :-\ Suppose I should...

  2. I can say thank you...I am a breast cancer fighter and I am not feeling so lonely....glad I found you via Twitter

  3. Thanks Elena, good luck with your fight
