so here is my confession of the day. I am seriously behind the majority of the
word with regards to Social Media. Up until about three months ago my
experience was limited to Facebook and I was quite happy to update my status
with random snippets (interesting ones obviously) about my daily life, photos
of the girls and generally keep up, and be nosey with what friends and a few
random acquaintances were up to. Then I was introduced to the world of Twitter
which is a different animal all together. I love that can follow anyone you
want to which means I can keep up with what John Bishop (yum) is up to. Once I’d
got my head round the # thing and that people I’d have never heard of were following,
replying and re tweet things, I was away.
I consider myself relatively intelligent and I used to pick things up quite
quickly, but two babies and a year as a SAHM means my poor brain is stodgier
than the porridge I make. But this was one of the main motivating factors for
starting my blog; to exercise my brain, to try and keep up with the world and
to see if I can actually write.
But blogging
is a BIG thing with a whole world of its own that I knew nothing about. It turns
out it is not just emptying the contents of my head onto the World Wide Web.
There are, amongst other things, content strategy, monetization, traffic
generation, self hosting, guest blogging, pugins and communities to get to
grips with. Whilst at the same time making sure what I’m blogging is
interesting and has personality and integrity. I know a bit about Facebook and
Twitter to promote my blog but what about Google +, Pinterest, Intragram,
Linkedin and Youtube! There is so much to learn and I’m not sure where to
start. I feel out the loop, out my depth and a bit like I’m the last one to the
party! But my mum has a great saying for times like this “How do you eat an
Elephant? One mouthful at a time!” This is certainly an elephant, so pass me
the fork, I’d better get stuck in!